Son of Hamas Co-Founder Denounces Group at UN, Exposes ‘Savage’ Indoctri…

This is a war between
The end is coming for satan and his followers, the beginning is coming for the rest.
There’s no time left for straddling the fence, it’s time to choose sides and choose wisely because there are only two sides to one great story.




you decide…



A = 432 Frequency: DNA Tuning and the Bastardization of Music
Design Handover Engineer at Framatome…
This found its way to me via email from Bonsai Music Supply Co.
Written by: Brendan D. Murphy
According to The Mind Unleashed, humankind is the largely unwitting victim of a frequency war on our consciousness that has been waged for decades, if not millennia. The goal has clearly been to keep us as gullible and subservient as possible, through multifarious means.
In modern history in particular, there has been what Dr. Len Horowitz has referred to as the strategic “militarization” of music. This happened in 1939 when the tuning of the note ‘A above Middle C’ to 440 Hz was adopted in the world of music. In 1910 an earlier push to effect the same change was met with limited success. Three decades later, the British Standards Institute (BSI) adopted the A=440Hz standard following staunch promotion by the Rockefeller-Nazi consortium—“at the precise time WWII preparations were being finalized by the petrochemical-pharmaceutical war financiers.”[i] This was the year that A=440 became the international standard.
The American Federation of Musicians had already accepted the A440 as standard pitch in 1917, and the U.S. government followed suit in 1920.[ii] One must surely ask why Nazi propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels, argued for this odd intrusion into musical creativity, persuading Hitler’s supposed enemies in Britain to adopt this “superior” standard tuning for the “Aryan/Master Race.” What did the Nazis (and their secretive by well-documented US financiers) have to gain from this?
It is interesting, also, to note that in October 1953, despite the British and Nazi push for the arbitrary A=440 standard (which is “disharmonic” vis à vis the physico-acoustic laws of creation governing reality), a referendum of 23,000 French musicians voted overwhelmingly in favour of A=432Hz.[iii] Many, many musicians, through recent centuries have expressed their strong preference for the A=432 reference pitch.
“This [A=432 Hz] tuning was unanimously approved at the Congress of Italian musicians in 1881 and recommended by the physicists Joseph Sauveur and Felix Savart as well as by the Italian scientist Bartolomeo Grassi. Landi.” [iv]
The Vibration of Sound
According to preliminary research, analysis, and professional discussions by Walton, Koehler, Reid, et al., on the web, A=440Hz frequency music conflicts with human energy centers (i.e., chakras) from the heart to the base of the spine [the lower four]. Alternatively, chakras above the heart are stimulated. Theoretically, the vibration stimulates ego and left-brain function, suppressing the “heart-mind,” intuition and creative inspiration.[v]
Interestingly, the difference between 440 and 741 Hz is known in musicology as the Devil’s Interval.
For maximum suppression of human consciousness, the frequencies we naturally resonate with, and which are the most biologically and psycho-spiritually enhancing, must be maximally suppressed. Ancient Egyptian and Greek instruments have reportedly been found to be tuned to 432 Hz. As far as many guitarists are concerned, A=432 Hz seems to be the most practical, optimal, and most bio-friendly resonant tuning we have, although many musicians have also favoured A=444. (A=444 Hz belongs to a different scale, where C=528 Hz.)
But there’s more: the cochlea, the part of the inner ear that converts acoustic impulses into electrical signals, has a seashell-like spiral shape. A bilateral cross-section of the cochlea is mathematically describable through the Fibonacci series (the Golden Ratio/Phi as manifested in nature). [vi] According to Chas Stoddard inA Short History of Tuning and Temperament, this fractality/recursiveness allows octaves to be decoded at the same point in each layer of the spiral, and may therefore be why we can discern octaves at all (meaning, that without this cochlea design, we would just hear pitch rising or lowering, we would not be able to identify that, for example, 256 Hz is C, as is 512 Hz also C).[vii] The octave concept would be almost meaningless and sonically undetectable to us.
Somehow, Austrian genius visionary Rudolph Steiner (1861-1925) was on to all of this. He said:
“Music based on C=128hz (C note in concert A=432hz) will support humanity on its way towards spiritual freedom. The inner ear of the human being is built on C=128 hz.”
The fact that Phi/Golden Ratio is so key in morphogenesis (the biological process that causes an organism to develop its shape) in humans and throughout nature suggests that there may be an interesting yet little-known relationship between the galactic harmonic of 432 that shows up in our solar system and the Golden Ratio.
A=432 is bio-neutral at worst, and is widely considered bioenergetically enhancing or healing if employed intentionally. Meditation music at 432 Hz is certainly relaxing and soothing, though I don’t consider there to be anything “transformative” about it, and transformative measures are what we so desperately need to intercede in our collective path at this time. As a musician and someone who uses the Solfeggio frequencies to perform DNA and kundalini activations for people who seek those healing and evolutionary services, I would actually go so far as to argue that, at this point in our history, the Solfeggio C at 528 Hz and not 512 Hz may be even more valuable to us in our search for reconnection to Self and Source — and most definitely facilitates people’s unplugging from the Matrix. It is widely associated with DNA activation, repair, and human transformation. (For more on this topic, please see my previous article: Diary of a DNA Potentiator – a Personal DNA “Hack-tivation”� Story.)
Note the visible light spectrum and colour wavelengths. Look for 528 and notice where you land: in the region of the “green ray”, esoterically speaking. The higher harmonic of the green ray/frequency is absorbed and metabolised by the heart chakra vortex. It is no coincidence that the wavelength of visible light at 528 nm is also green. The one is a harmonic of the other. If humanity needs to supercharge anything in our bioenergetic anatomy at this point, it is surely our heart intelligence, which conduces to compassion, empathy, and intuition. (We have more than enough of the cunning of the ego-driven cephalic intelligence.) Here lies a clue to the potency and importance of C=528 but I don’t want to digress too far.
To return to the main thrust now. Maria Renold, in her book Intervals Scales Tones and the Concert Pitch C=128hz, claims conclusive evidence that A=440Hz tuning (above scientific “C” Prime=128/256/512 Hz, where A=432 Hz) “disassociates the connection of consciousness to the body and creates anti-social conditions in humanity.” Modern “Equal Temperament (ET)” tuning was supposedly the excuse for musicians to play consonance, but, according to researcher Brian T. Collins (who strongly endorses Renold’s book), it actually diminishes perception of tone and resonant harmony.[viii]
Many people appear to endorse the view that, while A=440 music is more exciting (or aggressive, for some), it is more mind-oriented and disconnected from the human feeling centres, particularly the heart (which has by far the largest EM field of all bodily organs, including the brain, which it can actually entrain). Disconnecting the heart from the brain is — as history (and our present condition) shows us — catastrophic on a planetary scale; for many reasons, but fundamentally, it disconnects us from our innate wisdom and compassion as sentient beings, thus disconnecting us from each other and the other intelligent beings we share this planet with (not to mention the planet itself which is a living intelligence).
Ancient tuning practices employed the “Just Intonation” system of tuning. It featured “pure intervals between every note that were mathematically related by ratios of small whole numbers leading to a much purer sound.” From about the 16th century onwards, “Twelve-Tone Equal Temperament” tuning, according to Joachim Ernst-Berendt, commenced the mistuning of all consonant intervalsexcept the octave.[ix]
As a guitarist(who writes music primarily on an electric guitar, I prefer to tune up to A=444/C=528 rather than further down-tuning to 432 (I already drop a full step down on the electric and one of my acoustics and don’t want to lower string tension any further). 528 derives from the ancient Solfeggio scale, as re-discovered by Dr. Joseph Puleo, a co-researcher and co-author with Dr. Len Horowitz of the well-researched and confronting book Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse. At A=444 I can feel the resonance almost on a cellular level—the vibrations go right through me, and the guitar feels almost like a part of me. The tone is beautiful and bright; highly resonant. This is not the case when I use 440 Hz (standard Western tuning). Electric guitars, lacking a resonant cavity, don’t make the distinction as easy, however, that doesn’t mean that our cells don’t appreciate the subtle difference.
I will discuss more on the Solfeggio scale and why 528 is so important in a coming article.
The Curious Case of 432
We see above an interesting relationship between the 432 and the number of completion arising as we look at this material below. The numbers suggest that the “universal” or solar constant of 432 has to do with the “completion” (or completeness) of the manifest material world.
Diameter of sun = 864,000 miles (432 x 2)

Interestingly 8+6+4 = 18 (1+ 8) = 9 the number of completion

Diameter of moon = 2,160 miles (5 x 432 = 2,160)

2+1+6+0 resolves to a 9, as does 4+3+2 = 9 and 5 x 9 = 45 and 4 + 5 = 9 as well.

Precession of the Equinoxes of Earth = 25,920 years (60 x 432) [x]

2+5+9+2+0 also equals 9, while 6 x 9 = 54 and 5 + 4 = 9 also.

 Interestingly, the leading acoustician in Beethoven’s time was Ernst Chladni (1756-1827), the godfather of cymatics. His music theory textbook explicitly defined C as 256/512 Hz, the “scientific” tuning. (The A above middle C in this standard scale is 432 Hz.)
 Perhaps this is to do with 432 squared — 186,624 (1+8+6+6+2+4 = 9) — being within 1 percent accuracy of the speed of light, (186,282 miles per second, which also resolves to a 9!). The square root of the measured speed of light is 431.6(!) By deductive reasoning, we might speculate that “notes tuned relative to A432 harmonize directly with the light body [auric fields] allowing the vibrations to penetrate, and through entrainment, bring your energetic essence into balance. Entrainment is the tendency for a strong vibration to influence a weaker vibration.”[xi]
Inversely, A=440 tuning may produce a dissonant or “agitative” effect on the aura/mind — and anything that disrupts/disturbs DNA will create contraindications in the aura due to DNA’s innate sound-light translation mechanism. The human aura, of course, is the closest thing we have yet been able to point to as “consciousness” or “mind” in the manifest measurable world, as I demonstrate in The Grand Illusion : a Synthesis of Science & Spirituality.
Using 256Hz as the reference for C (where A=432), all occurrences of C are a power of 2. Interestingly, the Schumann resonance — earth’s electromagnetic “heartbeat” existing within the atmosphere between the earth’s surface and our ionisphere — ranges from about 7.83 to 8 Hz on average — very close to (and even the same as) 23. This isn’t terribly surprising if you consider the frequency of earth’s axial rotation: “Earth’s ‘pitch’ (cycles per second/Hertz) as it rotates is G, a fourth below the theoretical C that lies 24 octaves below middle C, when C=256Hz. So C=256/A=432 is in tune with the Earth’s rotation,”[xii] which is “in tune” with the speed of light, which is “in tune” with the diameter of the sun, which is “in tune” with the diameter of the moon, which is “in tune” with the precession of the equinoxes!
That’s a lot of harmony, which is exactly what we should expect from a holofractal (scaled) plasma-based universe.
C#=544 Hz, NOT 554 Hz!
A.K.A The Breakthrough that Didn’t Quite Break Through
In a ground-breaking research collaboration initiated in the late 1980s, biologist David Deamer and composer Susan Alexjander sought to directly ascertain the frequencies emitted by the bases of our DNA (A, G, C, T). They did this by directly measuring the infrared absorption spectra of DNA molecules. These DNA frequencies were then arranged as “scales” of tones, and subsequently used as the basis for Alexjander’s musical compositions.
The atomic bonds within these base molecules “bend, stretch, and rock upon absorbing infrared light with a specific frequency related to the energy and strength of the bond and the mass of the nucleus of the atom. A tighter, smaller bond from, say, hydrogen, will absorb light with a higher wavenumber (number of waves per centimeter), and a higher ‘note’ in the infrared spectrum.” A spectrophotometer was used to ascertain the frequencies of the different bases. Inside this device, infrared light with frequencies ranging from 600 to 3000 wavenumbers (in units of cm-1) was passed through each sample, being absorbed at specific frequencies, which the instrument plots as a spectrum. Once the wavenumber was identified, it was converted to hertz using the following equation: Frequency (Hz) = velocity (speed of light) x wavenumber
Because this process involves infrared light—not sound—frequencies, huge numbers (megahertz) were obtained, that, if translated directly into hertz would be far beyond human hearing (and thus useless for creating a musical composition, as intended). Recognizing that if they were to halve the numbers they were getting—and keep halving (decreasing them by octaves at a time) until the number fell within the audible range of sound frequencies, they would end up with the same notesonly at much lower (audible) octaves. Each DNA base yielded 15 – 18 notes; 60 in all. Interestingly, it appears that none of the bases emitted an A# — it was the only note of the diatonic scale missing.
Once this data was collected, it was converted into a human hearing range and programmed into a Yamaha DX7 IID synthesizer. They needed to use a “special electronic keyboard… because the tunings that were derived were almost all microtones” (tones smaller than a regular semi-tone, the smallest interval generally used in Western music).[xiii] This presented Alexjander with a formidable challenge regarding creating actual musical compositions out of these tightly-packed clusters of DNA base notes. At first, there was no seeming organization or order to what she was seeing or hearing, when experimenting with the 60 different microtonal DNA notes on her synth.
Then, after weeks and weeks of experimentation with different sound combinations, a “tonal center” began to emerge. One pitch in particular seemed to lend meaning and coherency to the challenging microtonal morass — a pitch common to all four bases: C#(!)
Adenine: 545.6 Hz
Guanine: 550
Thymine: 543.4
Cytosine: 537.8
Average DNA Hz = 544.2
This is where their project gets particularly interesting for those of us interested in sound-based healing, Just Intonation tuning, and the acoustic laws underlying creation.
You see, in today’s bastardized standard tuning (Equal Temperament), C#=554 Hz/A=440, and C=523. Look carefully at the frequency values of each DNA base above and you see that all four of them are fairly close to being tuned to this standard tuning (where A=440, the “Nazi tuning”). This C# “is positioned almost exactly in the center of the absorbency rates, and shows up as the average. This C# seems to act as a balancer for the entire spectrum of frequencies,” as Alexjander put it. She further observes that most of the gongs, bells, and drums of the non-Western world are tuned to this C# tonal center — as if we are collectively trying to subconsciously tune to something (natural cosmic harmonics).
What made my jaw drop, however, was not that the four DNA bases’ tuning averaged out at 544 Hz, fairly close to standard tuning where C#=554 Hz (a discrepancy of only 10 Hz). It was, rather, the fact that when A=432 Hz, as in the ancient Just Intonation tuning system based on nature itself, C# is precisely 544 Hz — exactly what emerged as the dominant, central “organizing” DNA base frequency in Alexjander and Deamer’s research! Astonishingly, Alexjander and Deemer have apparently missed this crucial correlation.
A=432 Hz is the tuning of the Cosmic Keyboard or Cosmic Pitchfork, as opposed to the A440 Hz modern “standard.” It places C# at 136.10 Hz [544 Hz four octaves higher] “Om,” which is the main note of the Sitar in classical Indian music and the pitch of the chants of the Tibetan monks, who tell us “It comes from nature.” – Dameon Keller. [xiv]
Now we are seeing a real basis for precisely why sound healing works—on every level of our beingness. It is a harmonic rule that whatever octave you are toning at, it will automatically resonate the other octaves of that note. So, even if you are toning vocally within the limited human vocal (or hearing) range, and you are toning into a chakra, if you have selected the “right” note, it can and will correct cymatic deformations in that chakra, even though the magnetic vortex of said chakra will be spinning at a frequency (and harnessing light at frequencies) far beyond the range of regular sense perception, and thus, invisible to most people. The law of harmonic resonance means that you will immediately affect light/matter on many octaves of the same note simultaneously. Because sound (vibration) organizes light/matter into form, it is potentially the most potent tool in a healer’s arsenal. Sound does strange and exotic things other tools cannot; “junk” DNA, for example responds to sound—codons can be turned on or off using acoustic vibrations, and our cell membranes (which are the “brains” of the cells) have antennae that detect sound vibrations and can pass them into the cellular matrix.
According to clairvoyant Barbara Brennan, former physicist and founder of the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, when she uses her voice in this way for healing chakra deformities, the chakra will stand up and spin correctly almost immediately. From there, it only takes a few seconds once a chakra is corrected on the first/etheric level to then become the correct color on the second level (emotional body) of the field.[xv]
Well known biologist Bruce Lipton has stated that, aside from the better known “lock and key” cell receptor sites, there are also antenna-like structures (“primary cilium”) on the cell membranes in our bodies that respond to vibrational frequencies:
Receptor antennas can also read vibrational energy fields such as light, sound, and radio frequencies. The antennas on these energy receptors vibrate like tuning forks. If an energy vibration in the environment resonates with a receptor’s antenna, it will alter the protein’s charge, causing the receptor to change shape…Biological behavior can be controlled by invisible forces as well as it can be controlled by physical molecules like penicillin…[xvi]
Lipton’s material illustrates something about the mechanisms involved in epigenetic change, in this case epigenetic shifts triggered by sound. “Toning,” as intuitive channeller Barbara Marciniak is informed by her apparently interdimensional Pleiadian muses, “is a key to releasing stored knowledge. It unlocks a doorway and allows information to flood into your body…[I]n a very subtle way, it changes your perceptions.”[xvii]Given that our DNA is tuned to the harmonic laws of creation—as seen in Just Intonation tuning—at C#=544 Hz, it makes complete sense that healing instruments like Tibetan sound bowls may be tuned to this natural scale.
I’ll be back later to share more about C=528 Hz and the importance of the Solfeggio frequencies. In the meantime, please remember that you are nonlocally and gravitationally connected to the resonant frequencies of the cosmos and that no one stands alone “outside” of the cosmos or cut off from everything (though they may feel like that at times). We’re all part of this huge resonant system, participating in dynamic feedback loops with intelligent subsystems such as the sun, the moon and the earth. Our sense of separation is strictly a brain-based “grand illusion.”

[i] Len Horowitz, Musical Cult Control,
[ii] Gary Meisner,
[iii] Mark Brewer, Music of the Spheres: A Case for A=432Hz,
[iv] The Secret Behind 432Hertz Tuning,
[v] Horowitz, op. cit.
[vii] Brian, T. Collins, The Importance of 432Hz Music,
[viii] Ibid.
[ix] Karol Jankowiak, Solfeggio Frequencies Set Body into Full Harmony,
[xi] Brewer, op. cit.
[xii] Ibid.
[xiii] Susan Alexjander, The Infrared Frequencies of DNA Bases, as Science and Art,
[xiv] Dameon Keller,!sound-&-vibration-and-color-&-light
[xv] See Brennan, Hands of Light, Bantam, 1988.
[xvi] Bruce Lipton, The Biology of Belief, 2005
[xvii] Marciniak, Earth, 68-9.

About the Author
Brendan D. Murphy – Co-founder of Global Freedom Movement and host of GFM Radio, BrendanD.Murphy is a leading Australian author, researcher, activist, and musician. His acclaimed non-fiction epic The Grand Illusion: A Synthesis of Science & Spirituality – Book 1 is out now! Come and get your mind blown at

“What a wonderful job of collating and integrating you have done! Every person in the field of ‘paranormal’ psychology or related topics should have this book as a major reference.” – Dr. Buryl Payne
“A masterpiece…The Grand Illusion is mind-blowing.” – Sol Luckman, author of Potentiate Your DNA.
“You’ve written the best synthesis of modern science and esoteric science that I’ve seen in 40 years of study in that area. Brilliant!” – Michael K. Wade from:


In his letter to the Roman church, the apostle Paul wrote, “for what I am doing, I do not understand; for I am not doing what I would like to do, but I am doing the very thing I hate… For the good that I want, I do not do, but I practice the very evil that I do not want. But if I am doing the very thing I do not want, I am no longer the one doing it, but sin which dwells in me.” (Romans 7:15, Romans 7:19-20)

Like Paul, myself and, many others, struggle with our rebellious natures.
When we fail, we think that we cannot live up to the expectations of God’s laws. We think, ” it’s impossible to do the things that we should do;
Because we do the very things we hate and know are wrong.
And when we mess up, we can often grow weary, and beat ourselves up!
We feel defeated and hopeless and that’s when the evil one whispers in our ear saying, “You’re terrible, worthless and you can’t measure up!”
That could be no further from the truth!
The truth is that, you’re now perfect in God’s eyes by the power of the cross and through the blood of Jesus.

What Does it mean,  ‘What I Want to Do, I Do Not Do, but What I Hate, I Do?

Even a Christian as, mature as Paul felt as we do.
He understood that just because we love God and desire to be like Jesus, we still fall short.  Paul went so far as to call himself the “chief of sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15) and a “wretched man” (Romans 7:24), recognizing that, though God’s way is spiritual, he was not (Romans 7:14).
We all make mistakes and we all sin. We are at constant war with our old, sinful nature and the deceiver, which is fighting to reclaim his place of influence in our lives.

We will never be perfect in this world, if we could achieve perfection, Jesus wouldn’t have had to sacrifice himself for our sins.

His grace is sufficient for all.
The evil one, would have you believe that you’re just not good enough so why try; however, Jesus said, repeat and I’ll forgive you.
That’s it, it’s that easy; however, it must be sincere.

So, don’t beat yourself up. It’s okay to be human.
Remember that we are spiritual beings having a human experience.

I believe that’s why Jesus had said this. “He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone at her.” (John 8:7)

This also, in Matthew 7, is a confirmation of His understanding of our weaknesses; moreover, His unconditional love for us.

Matthew 7:1-5
[1] Judge not, that ye be not judged.
[2] For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
[3] And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
[4] Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?
[5] Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.


Published on WordPress by Donna Brown Bowles January 16, 2023

Sacred Texts  Bible
The Apocrypha

The Apocrypha refers to texts that are left out of officially sanctioned versions (‘canon’) of the Bible. The term means ‘things hidden away,’ which implies secret or esoteric literature. However, none of these texts were ever considered secret.

In some Protestant Bibles, they are placed between the New and Old Testament. In the Roman Catholic Bibles, the books are interspersed with the rest of the text. In this case, they are also called ‘Deuterocanonical’, which means ‘secondary canon.” The books on this page are all Deuterocanonical.

Jerome rejected the Deuterocanonical books when he was translating the Bible into Latin circa 450 CE (see the Vulgate). This was because no Hebrew version of these texts could be found, even though they were present in the Greek Old Testament (the Septuagint). However, they eventually were accepted by the Church, and most of them remained part of the Bible. Protestants rejected these books during the Reformation as lacking divine authority. They either excised them completely or placed them in a third section of the Bible. The Roman Catholic Council of Trent, on the other hand, declared in 1546 that the Deuterocanonical books were indeed divine.

Of these books, Tobias, Judith, the Wisdom of Solomon, Baruch, and Maccabees remain in the Catholic Bible. First Esdras, Second Esdras, Epistle of Jeremiah, Susanna, Bel and the Dragon, Prayer of Manasseh, Prayer of Azariah, and Laodiceans are not today considered part of the Catholic apocrypha.

With one exception, all of these books are considered ‘Old Testament’. The apocryphal New Testament ‘Letter of Paul to the Laodiceans’ was once incorporated in many versions of the Bible. However, Laodiceans is now considered just a pastiche of other Epistles and is omitted from contemporary Bibles.

There are many other apocryphal books that do not fall into the ‘Deuterocanonical’ category, such as the many additional New Testament Gospels and the apocalyptic book of Enoch. Some of these can be found in the Apocrypha section.

1 Esdras
2 Esdras
Additions to Esther
1 Macabees
2 Macabees
Epistle of Jeremiah
Prayer of Azariah
Prayer of Manasseh
Bel and the Dragon

Can UC what I C 2…



Published from WordPress by Donna Brown Bowles October 30, 2022

There was this rich man and he had a son.
His son didn’t seem to appreciate the riches that they had. So, he decided to take his son on a trip to a poor village and spend some time with a family that was very poor, in hopes that his son would then appreciate their great riches.
So they spent a week with this family and when they returned home, he asked his son what he had learned from this and, his son replied:

We have one dog.
They have four.

We have pools.
They have rivers and streams.

We have lamps at night.
They have stars.

We buy food.
They grow theirs.

We have alarms to keep us safe.
They have God and friends.

We have a big screen TV that we sit in front of.
The sit by campfires sharing stories with family and friends.

We have great walls to protect us.

They have Jesus to protect them.

Then the boy said, “Thanks dad for showing me how poor we are.”


Watch Daniel And The Lion’s Den. The real story.

By Flat water Flat Earth
Published on WordPress
By Donna Brown Bowles

Babel and confusion.
They lie so much
people can’t see for their “beliefs”. Look
at the evidence. Weigh it. Use
discernment. When one person says
dinosaur, it’s just another way of saying
dragon. Dinosaur means terrible lizard.
There were big lizards living
contemporary with mankind, not millions
or billions of years. Job and even Enoch
mention Behemoth and Leviathan.
Science uses big lizards to try to prove
evolution, so anything that proves the
Bible, they deny.
King Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel And The
story of Bel And The Dragon read from
Old Greek, then Theodotian text, from the
At 00:56 seconds we see a photo of the
idol named bel, Baal or ba’al, who is one
of the main deity’s worshipped by several
ancient eastern nations. It is this idol to
whom many people would sacrifice their
infants, by throwing them into an
immolation pit (in other words a burnt
offering, or holocaust), or by placing
them into a huge metal furnace inside of
a statue of the deity. (Much like “the
cremation of care” at bohemian grove)
At 1:43 To 1:52 The Temple Of Uru
(Temple of Ur, in Ur-Chaldea, or
Ur-Chaldees, Iraq, Modern Day Babylon,
the picture shown might even be the idols
temple described in this text)
At 2:04 bel/ ba’al/ Baal

At 2:22 minutes The Blue Gate of Babylon, with a
Dinosaur as one of the creatures in the
mosaics. If you pause, you’ll see
it’s clearly a brontosaurus type of animal.
It has a very long tail which is inline with
the spine all the way to the head. A
gigantic creature, with a very long tail and
a very long neck, scales and claws on its
rear feet.

The GOSPEL of NICODEMUS, formerly called the ACTS of PONTIUS PILATE.

Published from WordPress by Donna Brown Bowles May 29, 2022 CHAP. XXII.

This is the first and last chapter’s.

[Although this Gospel is, by some
among the learned, supposed to
have been really written by
Nicodemus, who became a disciple.
of Jesus Christ, and conversed
with him; others conjecture that
it was a forgery towards the close.
of the third century by some
zealous believer, who observing
that there had been appeals made
by the Christians of the former
age, to the Acts of Pilate, but
that such Acts could not be
produced, imagined it would be of
service to Christianity to
fabricate and publish this Gospel;
as it would both confirm the
Christians under persecution, and
convince the Heathens of the truth
of the Christian religion. The
Rev. Jeremiah Jones says, that
such pious frauds were very common
among Christians even in the first
three centuries; and that a
forgery of this nature, with the
view above mentioned, seems
natural and probable. The same
author, in noticing that Eusebius,
in his Ecclesiastical history,
charges the Pagans with having
forged and published a book,
called “The Acts of Pilate,” takes
occasion to observe, that the
internal evidence of this Gospel
produced, imagined it would be of
service to Christianity to
fabricate and publish this Gospel;
as it would both confirm the
Christians under persecution, and
convince the Heathens of the truth
of the Christian religion.
Rev. Jeremiah Jones says, that
such pious frauds were very common
among Christians even in the first
three centuries; and that a
forgery of this nature, with the
view above mentioned, seems
natural and probable. The same
author, in noticing that Eusebius,
in his Ecclesiastical history,
charges the Pagans with having
forged and published a book,
called “The Acts of Pilate,” takes
occasion to observe, that the
internal evidence of this Gospel
shows it was not the work of any
Heathen; but that if in the latter
end of the third century we find
it in use among Christians (as it
was then certainly in some
churches) and about the same time
find a forgery of the Heathens
under the same title, it seems
exceedingly probable that some
Christians, at that time, should
publish such a piece as this, in
order partly to confront the
spurious one of the Pagans, and
partly to support those appeals
which had been made by former
Christians to the Acts of Pilate;
and Mr. Jones says, he thinks so
more particularly as we have
innumerable instances of forgeries
by the faithful in the primitive
ages, grounded on less plausible
reasons. Whether it be canonical
or not, it is of very great
antiquity, and is appealed to by
several of the ancient Christians.
The present translation is made
from the Gospel published by
Grynæus in the Orthodoxographa,
vol. i. tom. ii. p. 643.]
p. 64

This is the most extraordinary book I have ever read from the Apocrypha; “The Lost Books of the Bible.”
It’s 22 chapters.  I put the last chapter  Because it’s extremely important and amazing; however, the entire book is extraordinary!
I’ve included a link that takes you to the entire Book of THE GOSPEL OF NICODEMUS.
If you have the time please read this book. You will be amazed at how much information the elite has hidden from us for hundreds of years.

The GOSPEL of NICODEMUS, formerly called the ACTS of PONTIUS PILATE.


1 Pilate goes to the temple; calls together the rulers, and scribes, and doctors. 2 Commands the gates to be shut; orders the book of the Scripture; and causes the Jews to relate what they really knew concerning Christ. 14 They declare that they crucified Christ in ignorance, and that they now know him to be the Son of God, according to the testimony of the Scriptures; which, after they put him to death, they are examined.

AFTER these things Pilate went to the temple of the Jews, and called together all the rulers and scribes, and doctors of the law, and went with them into a chapel of the temple.
2 And commanding that all the gates should be shut, said to them, I have heard that ye have a certain large book in this temple; I desire you therefore, that it may be brought before me.
3 And when the great book, carried by four ministers of the temple, and adorned with gold and precious stones, was brought, Pilate said to them all, I adjure you by the God of your Fathers, who made and commanded this temple to be built, that ye conceal not the truth from me.
4 Ye know all the things which are written in that book; tell me therefore now, if ye in the Scriptures have found any thing of that Jesus whom ye crucified, and at what time of the world he ought to have come: shew it me.

5 Then having sworn Annas and Caiaphas, they commanded all the rest who were with them to go out of the chapel.
6 And they shut the gates of the temple and of the chapel, and said to Pilate, Thou hast made us to swear, O judge, by the building of this temple, to declare to thee that which is true and right.
7 After we had crucified Jesus, not knowing that he was the Son of God, but supposing he wrought his miracles by some magical arts, we summoned a large assembly in this temple.
8 And when we were deliberating among one another about
p. 90
the miracles which Jesus had wrought, we found many witnesses of our own country, who declared that they had seen him alive after his death, and that they heard him discoursing with his disciples, and saw him ascending unto the height of the heavens, and entering into them;
9 And we saw two witnesses, whose bodies Jesus raised from the dead, who told us of many strange things which Jesus did among the dead, of which we have a written account in our hands.

10 And it is our custom annually to open this holy book before an assembly, and to search there for the counsel of God.
11 And we found in the first of the seventy books, where Michael the archangel is speaking to the third son of Adam the first man, an account that after five thousand five hundred years, Christ the most beloved Son of God was come on earth,
12 And we further considered, that perhaps he was the very God of Israel who spoke to Moses, Thou shalt make the ark of the testimony; two cubits and a half shall be the length thereof, and a cubit and a half the breadth thereof, and a cubit and a half the height thereof. 1
13 By these five cubits and a half for the building of the ark of the Old Testament, we perceived and knew that in five thousand years and a half (one thousand) years, Jesus Christ was to come in the ark or tabernacle of a body;.

14 And so our scriptures testify that he is the son of God, and the Lord and King of Israel.
15 And because after his suffering, our chief priests were surprised at the signs which were wrought by his means, we opened that book to search all the generations down to the generation of Joseph and Mary the mother of Jesus, supposing him to be of the seed of David;
16 And we found the account of the creation, and at what time he made the heaven and the earth and the first man Adam, and that from thence to the flood, were two thousand, two hundred and twelve years.
17 And from the flood to Abraham, nine hundred and twelve. And from Abraham to Moses, four hundred and thirty. And from Moses to David the king, five hundred and ten.
18 And from David to the Babylonish captivity, five hundred years. And from the Babylonish captivity to the incarnation of Christ, four hundred years.
19 The sum of all which amounts to five thousand and half (a thousand).
20 And so it appears, that Jesus whom we crucified, is Jesus Christ the Son of God, and true and Almighty God. Amen.

In the name of the Holy Trinity, thus end the Acts of our Saviour Jesus Christ, which the Emperor Theodosius the Great found at Jerusalem, in the hall of Pontius Pilate among the public records; the things were acted in the nineteenth year of Tiberius Cæsar, Emperor of the Romans, and in the seventeenth year of the government of Herod the son of Herod king of Galilee, on the eighth of the calends of April, which is the twenty-third 
p. 91
day of the month of March, in the CCIId Olympiad, when Joseph and Caiaphas were Rulers of the Jews; being a History written in Hebrew by Nicodemus, of what happened after our Saviour’s crucifixion.

Read original article here in it’s entirely…




It once gave you the wings to fly, then it took away your sky.

A need to survive.

The sky mirrors as a witness of your trials alone, on nights so dark they must not be shown.

All the tears you cried in silence.

All the pain you ever felt.

And all the isolation you had endured, even the times you wept, afraid and, alone.

My only wish was that your pain be mine.

I’m sorry I can’t turn back the time.

You were frozen by fear that you’d succeed but afraid you would crumble if you failed.

The heaviness you could not bear and the weight of it all broke you.

My heart hurts to remember but I cannot forget.

Falling and not knowing who would catch you, not knowing when He warned.

Your fight was fought by you alone but little did you know God had already calmed your storm.

There were times that you stumbled out of control.

And times that you really wanted to know.

Your spirit kept seeking light from the storm.

Obsidian Skies became a clue

That it may be a time to turn anew.

Its time for you to realize

God has given you back your sky.

So fly…
Posted from WordPress
[by Donna Brown Bowles (C) 2014] revised 11/18/2019

I love you my beautiful daughter forever and always ❤

Unconditionally 💜

Finding Truth with Zen Garcia

I would like to introduce you to new way of finding truth with Zen Garcia, author and publisher of several books (20+) of ancient theologies with esoteric topics such as:
The Gnostics ; apocryphal scriptures; Lost Books Of The Bible; The Forgotten Books Of Eden; The Dead Sea Scrolls and more…

With skillfull articulation, Zen demonstrates how we have been manipulated from the beginning by comparing lost books of bible with the KJV bible to confirm their validity with elaboration.

Zen has spent many years meticulously researching various historical theologies. His findings of truth are astounding and as a direct result, has encountered opposition and ridicule not, only from the secular side but, the religious side as well.

Truth can be threatening to those who stand to gain without it.
In opposition, it would be unbearable to those who are unwilling to accept that they have been beguiled.

With fine articulation, Zen demonstrates how we have been manipulated from the beginning and the enemies agenda and explains how to endeavor freedom one compelling page at a time.

But, let me warn you first.
This information is for Truth seekers only.
If you are unwilling to embrace truth this is not the place for you.

I’ll share my story from the beginning when I first discovered the truth with Zen Garcia to explain why it’s neccessary to be ready to receive the truth.

My story,

It was almost two years ago that I had stumbled upon Zen; I believe it was by divine intervention. I was desperately searching for truth for many years when one morning I felt compelled to search, once more.
I turned on YouTube and discovered Zen.
He was discussing vaccinations with Laurel Austin, who has done in-depth studies on vaccines, and is a wellness writer and co-host for Zen Garcia.
I was stunned as I listened to their experiences, and their expertise as they examined these controversial issues with such tenacity.

I was convinced and inspired. Over the next few days I had watched as many of Zen’s YouTube videos as possible.
Including several topics and books that Zen had written:
“A Different Way of Being, Lucifer – Father of Cain, Awaken to the NWO, Sons of God: Who We Are Why We Are Here, Skyfalll- Angels of Destiny., The Aramaic Targum, and, The Flat Earth as Key to Decrypt the Book of Enoch.”

As I pondered all that I had learned, I became overwhelmed
I sat alone in silence and cried. I was angry and I came to the conclusion that everything I had ever learned was a lie, I discovered that the religious institutions as, well as our educational systems, were nothing more than a great deception. Their goal was to dumb us down and indoctrinate us in order to divide and conquer.
I wanted to scream to illustrate my burden but, there weren’t any words to describe how I felt.

I felt as though I had lived my entire life in a dreamland and then awakened to live the final nightmare!
I discovered the plans of the elite and how they had controlled us, what their wicked plans were, and how easily manipulated I was.
The thought of it all left me broken but not defeated!

I knew I could no longer sleep nor dream their visions and with no other alternative but to face reality, I surrendered…

For the first time I opened my eyes and saw a new world unfamiliar yet meaningful, hopeless now hopeful; moreover ,
I found the truth with my Savior, the Son of YHWH, Yeshua the one and only true living God.💕

Morning came and I began my journey of a thousand miles down the rabbit hole with Zen Garcia and Yesuah as our guide.

It was then that I discovered; nightmares only happen when you close your eyes.

“With eyes wide open” only now was I able to see that nothing was and, nothing is, what it appears to be. And the God that I never understood; I was beginning to understand.

So I chose to embrace truth and…











Find Zen Garcia at


Zen Garcia Endeavor Freedom on Youtube




I fell asleep one night.

I fell deep unto my dream,

in a place absent of time.

When your heart was free and your spirit was kind.

Serenity and peace set you apart.

I became frozen in a place in time, absent of meaning, transparent hearts of plastic that gave me the ability to see truth but not feel it.

Frightened, I screamed!

I awoke, only to find a mirrored reflection of someone I used to know.

Dreams, what do they mean…

Words Are A Matter of perception… 

Words matter…. or do they…? 

Let’s explore this thought for a minute. 
Words don’t matter when spoken in an abstruse parlance; it’s of no consequence to the audience who fell hostage to the laborious speaker who’s only intention is to appear brilliant and legendary. This cosmetic boast renders only superficial words astray of substance and meaning leaving the audience perplexed and depleted. 

Words do matter when spoken with sincerity in thoughtful consideration absent of pride and spoken in humility. It is as music to the ear of the beholder creating an atmosphere of curiosity, and meaningful experiences that embrace the hearts and minds of the audience. It leaves a lasting impression of why words matter, not only for the speaker, but for the audience as well. 

Words are a matter of perception… 


If you steal from me it’s okay. 

I’m only passing through. 

My heart never belonged to you anyway. 

This world was not my intention. 

My empathy for you I’ll mention.

Briefly,  but sincere. 

Poetry (C) Donna, Brown, Bowles 

Our Father Is Coming Be Ready

Matthew 24:4-14


And Jesus answered and said to them,
“See to it that no one misleads you.
For many will come in My name, saying,
‘I am the Christ,’ and will mislead many.
You will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars.
See that you are not frightened, for those things must take place,
but that is not yet the end.
For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom,
and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes.
But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs.



At that time many will fall away and will betray one another
and hate one another.
Many false prophets will arise and will mislead many.
Because lawlessness is increased,
most people’s love will grow cold.

But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.

This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world
as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.

So my brother’s and sister’s we must stay close to our Father in Heaven because greater is HE that is within me than he that is in the world.

Therefore Put On 🕇🕆🕇
The Whole Armour Of God.


Ephesians 6:10-24

[10] Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

[11] Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

[12] For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

[13] Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

[14] Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

[15] And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

[16] Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

[17] And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

[18] Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

[19] And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel,

[20] For which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.

[21] But that ye also may know my affairs, and how I do, Tychicus, a beloved brother and faithful minister in the Lord, shall make known to you all things:

[22] Whom I have sent unto you for the same purpose, that ye might know our affairs, and that he might comfort your hearts.

[23] Peace be to the brethren, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

[24] Grace be with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Amen.

A Day In May…


I must say, I feel as though it’s our last May to remember…

Prepare your hearts and surrender…

It’s time to choose sides and choose wisely because there are only two sides to one Great story…

Light or darkness…
Truth or lies
Good or evil…
Life or death…

You decide…



She was truthful when lying was the common speech of men; she was honest when honest had become a lost virtue; she was a keeper of promises when the keeping of a promise was expected of no one; … she was full of pity when a merciless cruelty was the rule; she was steadfast when stability was unknown, and honorable in an age which had forgotten what honor was; she was a rock of convictions in a time when men believed in nothing and scoffed at all things; she was unfailingly true in an age that was false to the core; … she was of a dauntless courage when hope and courage had perished in the hearts of her nation…” 

~Mark Twain~Joan of Arc.

“Consider this unique and imposing distinction. Since the writing of human history began, Joan of Arc is the only person, of either sex, who has ever held supreme command of the military forces of a nation at the age of seventeen.”

~Louis Kossuth~

~Silenced by lies~


I heard your screams from a distance in a storm

Your echo was silenced by the thunder

Your voice as lightning without tone

As your heart became frozen

Did you search for meaning as to why

Or did you run away…

Motionless you sat alone on the basement floor

Denying what you knew so terribly long ago

Your screams always silenced

Your truth went untold

For lies did cast darkness

In the winter of your soul…


By Dawna Bowles (C)3/15

Published from
[by Dawna Bowles (C)2014-15] all photography, poetry, and stories are (C) unless posted otherwise.

~Tonights nightmare~


I was awakened in the night

By roars of monstrous sounds

Pounding over my pillow

Crashing through my skies

Rendered thoughts…no…no…no

It cannot be time

I heard boots marching

Choppers thundering

Screams of innocence

It is too late to run

But somehow I knew

It wasn’t to late to fly

I covered my head

I said a prayer

I tried to make believe

it was only a dream

But I knew it was the final nightmare

So I believed that I could fly

As I had  practiced many times

In my dreams throughout my life

My memories gave me faith

Faith became light

Light became hope

Hope became courage

Courage became wings

That lifted me up above

All the cries of Humanity

And all that refused to fly

All death that was smitten

By those who came

To kill steal and destroy

One will be taken

And one will be left…


Published from
[by Dawna Bowles (C)2014]

~We Need Change ~



Nothing changes if nothing changes.
I’m not sure if I can express what’s in my heart. All I know is that it feels like broken glass and it ripping me a-part.
A-part of me wants to be set free. Yet a part of me is afraid.

I read and search beyond the scenes, behind the stage where lies are practiced to deceive. A media without  consciousness, lusting for blood, death and power, for anyone who might interfere.

Many are willing to be sacrificial lambs. Eager to please, in exchange for popularity and exceptance. Willing to slay their own, for monetary gain. They sleep well, and moan in their secret dreams.

Many are unaware.  They are trapped, and are intimidated into sharing a feast with hungry wolves that duel upon their breast, and leave them feeling defiled.

Many know, as I, but do nothing to stop them. We write, read, paint, create, and photograph to excape. The ugliest truths that were ever told.

We read political propaganda, and know it’s a lie, as it eats like a cancer into our consciousness, and rapes our minds. Creating a great divide, between the truth, and the red tides of death that crush our hearts and silence our screams!

I hate how I feel! I just want to run as
long as it takes, to stop feeling, and knowing all that I do. It is so sorreal!

Why am I paralyzed?

Why are you?

Why do I wait for the slaughter?

Why do you?

When will I stand?

When will you?

When will I fight?

When will you?

When will we take back our land?

When it’s too late?

The time has come and…!

Very soon it will be gone…!


Wake up and take a stand!!!!

Published from
[by Dawna Bowles (C)2014]



I went to bed last night

And I fell asleep

I fell…

And fell…

Into my dream absent of time

When Your heart was free

Your spirit was kind

Serenity and peace

Set you apart

I was frightened

I tried to escape

I screamed…)))))

And when I awoke

You were standing over me

Holding a mirror so I could see


What do they mean…


Published from
[by Dawna Bowles (C)2014]

Heart of stone


I used to scream so loud in the dead of night but no one could hear me

I would never turn out the light in hopes that someone would find me

Memory of a winter’s night my heart was so cold it had turned to ice

In summer it thawed but it had been hardened so long it turned to stone

I would tell you my heart was so sad and that it hurt so bad but that would not be true

My heart was silent for my spirit had died

And the only thing I know is

Stones can’t lie


Published from
[by Donna Brown Bowles (C)2014]

I Want…


I want to run
I want to scream
I want to tear down these
Dammed iron walls
My mouth frozen
Bitter secrets of my soul
Yet the need is extreme
And painfully old
This woman steals my innocence
She steals my eyes without consent
A nightmare captured
In her wicked schemes
A part of me hates her
A part of me dreams
Then I realize she protects me
A  camouflage a shield
Her voice commands
I hide behind her strength
I’m a frightened little girl
I pretend that everything’s okay
The only thing that i know that’s real
Is the sadness that I feel
I know the clouds inside my eyes
Will eventually go away
Peace just peace sought to no avail
A sightless visionary contemplating

The destiny of her eyes

The only thing to be authentic

are the clouds in my skies

That is the only place

That my love soars


Posted from WordPress all pictures and writings are
[ (C) 2014 by Dawna Bowles] unless posted otherwise.



Memories of truth were told
Frozen hearts brick walls of bold
Separated love instilling fear
Damned to hell the stories told
Hidden by the lifeless wall
Fraudulent schemes consistently
Shameless echoes from their halls
Raped my soul in trade for gain
Before consciousness began
Raging storms a thousand years
Rivers filled with sinners tears
Comparing worn tattered clothes
To their priceless royal robes
Forced to shrink while they grin
Stain glass divides truth from sin
Cunning artifice a guise


Puplished from
by Dawna Bowles (C)2014



Eyes of my soul refuse to lie
I  rid my heart of chanting demise
Promise not I,  my word is exclusive
It’s all that I am
Fear of my egotistical side
I cannot break a vow, or surely I’ll die
I humbly request that light be my guide
Help me to see all my hidden lies
Insuring pure love consumes,
All that I am, Your will, not mine
I surrender my pain
To your sovereignty, love, and peace
You reign


Puplished from
by Dawna Bowles (C)2014




Why do you not reveal truths
Is your conscince clouded by lies
Would revealing increase your pain
Leaving blood stains upon your hands
Reflections pique obligation
Naught yours to own
Set yourselves free
Hell is not your Hearthstone
Your pureness crys out
Two angel’s bound by lies
So marvelously created
Open your eyes
Screams of terror fade with illusion
Cease running return to love
Where snow crystals dwell


Today is the first day of the rest of your life

If tomorrow was the last day of your life

What dream would you dream

What life would you touch

What face would you love to see smile

What heart would you like to see changed

What person would you reach out to

What truth would your image reflect in your mirror

Would you be willing to be true
to thine own self and fly

or in spite of yourself
Rebuke your sky


