I had a very disturbing dream last night and felt that I should share it.
My Dream, July 4 2018
By Donna Brown Bowles

Last night I dreamt that I was walking for a long time in a city unknown to me. I was hot and my feet were very sore for I was barefoot.

I knew I had about 50 miles or so to get to my destination but that was also unknown to me. It wasn’t the destination that troubled me but the people who I encountered on my journey.

As I was walking I noticed an extremely large charismatic church and, I thought surely they would give me a pair of shoes for my wounded feet. I walked inside and I saw several glass cubicles with different conversations going on. They were laughing, talking, and foolishly chattering. As I pondered this, my heart started to ache for I was able to see their insincere hearts.

A women clothed in very expensive apparel noticed me, walked over, and inquired as to why I was there?

I told her that my feet hurt, I was tired and I still had many miles to walk. I asked if she had any extra shoes that I could borrow.
She looked me over and said, “No, and I’m busy.”
And she hurriedly walked away.

Then I asked a few other people that were walking down the hall and again was met with not, only reluctance but, distain.

I felt ashamed, rejected and alone.
For a moment, I felt the weight of the world fall upon my shoulders and it broke my heart.

I stood alone, painfully aware that these people who believed that everything was okay between them and God, had been greatly deceived.

I was consumed with deep sadness.
My entire being felt separated from the world and everything in it.
I knew they didn’t understand Jesus plan nor his teachings.

I awoke so disturbed this morning that my heart was heavy.

One thing that was revealed to me was, in regards to the the church, It’s influence is reflected in the world and they’re leading souls into hell.

I know in reality that most religious organizations are corrupt and deliberately deceived because of monetary gain Yet, there has been times when I thought, “maybe I should return to church.”
Maybe this was a warning not to.

Dreams, what do they mean…



Memories of truth were told
Frozen hearts brick walls of bold
Separated love instilling fear
Damned to hell the stories told
Hidden by the lifeless wall
Fraudulent schemes consistently
Shameless echoes from their halls
Raped my soul in trade for gain
Before consciousness began
Raging storms a thousand years
Rivers filled with sinners tears
Comparing worn tattered clothes
To their priceless royal robes
Forced to shrink while they grin
Stain glass divides truth from sin
Cunning artifice a guise


Puplished from iblogstr8sicit.WordPress.com
by Dawna Bowles (C)2014

I’m Free

Lovely walk then startled when
I came to the end of the block
Religion no longer seizes my soul
Freedom to be as I see
spiritualbeing having a human experience
I’m free







Condem me not for we all sin we  replace the cross with a ying yang
I’m free!

Posted from WordPress
[by Dawna D. Bowles
(C) 2014]


A little humor is good for the soul. This story helps me see things a bit more clearly, concerning spirituality.

      There was this man that was a drug addict and he had virtually hit his bottom in life. He was spiritually and emotionally bankrupt, not to mention, dirty, broke, and sick and tired of being sick and tired!
The man had no place to go on this particular Sunday afternoon.  He was in front of a church, leaning up against a tree with his head hung down in shame.
      Jesus walked up and noticed that the man was deeply saddened, and said,
“Why are you out here, and not in the service singing with everyone else?” The man looks up at Jesus with tears in his eyes, and replies,  “Oh they won’t let me in there.”
Jesus replies,  “Oh don’t worry about them, they haven’t let me in there for years.”

Religion is for people that are afraid of going to hell, spirituality is for people that have been there.
