Unused Talents


Selfishness is giving up
Go ahead hide your stuff
You say, no use for you
Empty without truth
Talents overflow your cup
You say they can suck it up?
They don’t need me
Let them find something else
To set them free
Others do not possess your gift
Trodden souls are dieing
You get my drift…
Darkness takes their hope away
While you do naught another day
Someone’s gonna have to pay
But don’t you worry it’s all good
As long as you have your
Way one more Day

Published by Dawna Bowles
from WordPress [(C)2014]

My Banana Is A Moon


Up in my sky is a banana moon
I saw it tonight a time after-noon
Numerous times I snapped a few
However my viewfinder
Displayed it true
My Banana is an annoying moon
Or maybe my moon is a banana?
How could I dance to
Such a terrible toon
I cried and threw a horrendous fit
My camera and I
We’ll definitely split
Can’t understand why
My camera likes
Bananas more then I

Published by Dawna Bowles
from WordPress [(C)2014]


Published on WordPress by Donna Brown Bowles ©

R. I. Y. G. B. NEEDS T.

I’m never invited to parties by R.O.Y.G.B.

I go unmentioned in regards to the sea.

At times, I silhouette the sun.

I am the favorite color of, the one who writes this poem.

Why can’t R.O.Y.G.B. open up its box for me?

I beg the world to set me free.

Oceans glow so beautifully.

Some say it is because of me.

Turquoise is my only name.

Many photographer’s landscapes proclaim.

My only wish is, to be a color,
included by the rainbows mother.

Please help the world so that they might see.

That turquoise shines through you and me.

Then, R.O.Y.G.B. and T, happily forever we will be.

A sea of colors all as one.

Can you see how lovely that would be?

Thank you, sincerely,

~ T ~




Puplished from iblogstr8sicit.WordPress.com
by Donna Brown Bowles ©2014



Memories of truth were told
Frozen hearts brick walls of bold
Separated love instilling fear
Damned to hell the stories told
Hidden by the lifeless wall
Fraudulent schemes consistently
Shameless echoes from their halls
Raped my soul in trade for gain
Before consciousness began
Raging storms a thousand years
Rivers filled with sinners tears
Comparing worn tattered clothes
To their priceless royal robes
Forced to shrink while they grin
Stain glass divides truth from sin
Cunning artifice a guise


Puplished from iblogstr8sicit.WordPress.com
by Dawna Bowles (C)2014


Abandoned, deserted, forsaken and torn, I was grateful for an ability to see and  adorn.
Biodegradable awaiting their storm.
They anticipate in silence as they fade  with a mourn,
A decade of waiting
they will be reborn
Invisible particles an atom reformed











Puplished from iblogstr8sicit.WordPress.com
by Dawna Bowles (C)2014



One Saturday afternoon as I was driving along I noticed this abandoned house on the side of the road.
I felt compelled to pull into the driveway.

Approaching the house I saw a beautiful untamed bush decorated with the most lovely scarlet flowers.
I stood in awe of the glaring contrast between the  broken structure and the flowers.
With eyes of love I smiled at the flowers
The flowers feeling my love smiled back at me with a shyness, fot they hadn’t been observed by a human eye in over a decade.
Suddenly I felt the old house and his sadness, due to his years of neglect.
I glanced up at my large old friend,
And loved him for the first time.
He was broken yet not defeated.
He humbly glanced down at me in shame of his condition. He said,
“Did you know that I used to be as lovely as the scarlet flowers”
For years she has been my only friend.

I felt as though I was frozen in a moment of time when this old house thought his eyes would never meet mine.
Saddened to see his abide
A sructural demise, foretold that entropy has no prejudice Just ageing collide.

I still loved him profoundly and he did know, even more for his stories untold, for inside of him was a heart of purest gold.

(Love wins)



Posted from WordPress
[by Dawna D. Bowles
(C) 2014]



I was wondering if you would come today
I felt sad I don’t know why
I thought I would never see you again


But you are here I can smile now
I stretched and grew a leaf or two
Did you bring your camera on this beautiful day
I have a great big smile for you


See ~°•○●”smiles”●○•°~“~☆snap☆
Am I handsome Your very best friend
So glad you came early today
Will you be visiting for a little while


Oh you caught my very best smile
°•○●~”blushing”~●○•° Snap°•☆snap°•~
I’m glad you decided to be my friend
I haven’t felt this shy since I dont know when°•○●~sheepish grin~●○•°~☆~☆~
I like it when you smile at me
I over heard you say I was lovely


Oh my did I turn red
Not used to being a celebrity not me
For over a century I sat all alone
and afraid
Now I look forward to seeing your smile
Your friend I’ll be always
Not just for a while
See my beauty mark
It because you believed in me until I could believe in myself


Thanks again for being my friend
Goodbye for now I will see you tomorrow?

Posted from WordPress
[by Dawna D. Bowles
(C) 2014]



My mirror keeps looking at me
I was passing through the hall
I viewed my image quickly
As I passed by
It glared back at me
I shrugged it off as if
I did not see
The sarcastic way it glared at me
As if to suggest…
Curiousity struck a pain inside my chest
My shadowed image I shunned
I felt a-part between
My image and my heart
I walked back down the hall
Slowly this time my head held high
I turned and glared back at the mirror
Who do you think you are
I was shocked to see it was
My image looking back at me
Exposed I fell upon my knees
Debts were screaming out my name
You are the one that
Caused of your pain
Time to explain why
Reflections do not lie…

Posted from WordPress
[by Dawna D. Bowles
(C) 2014]

He Lies Bleeding

Standing exposed
on top of a building
Screaming to the world
Can you hear my cries
Do you feel my pain
I dare you to open your eyes
My entirety is so insane

He’s tired of running
Just wants to be free
They walk on by and
Prentend they do not see
The blood of the homeless
Dieing to be loved
His pain he can no longer hide
He jumps
He screams
Can’t you see?
Can’t your hear?
Can’t you feel?

He lies broken
Wanting to be


Posted from WordPress
[by Dawna D. Bowles
(C) 2014]


Nights get lonesone I’m always alone
Thank you for recognizing my lovely leaves and throne
Will you be my friend
So lovely tonight can you feel the breeze
Take one more picture I’m not really shy
I can lift you up so you’ll be able to kiss the sky
My elbows are worn and slightly dry
Will you be my friend until the end
The world has been scary
It forced me to hide
They say my toughness makes me ruff but they don’t know how I feel inside
If you’ll be my friend
My love I’ll reveal
If you only knew how blessed I would feel
I hid my heart for many long years
Afraid they would cut me and bring me to tears
You are the first human ever to bring a camera for me
My first picture ever
I’m excited to see
Would you be my friend
I love you I do
Will you share my picture with the whole world too
Show them my leaves, my trunk and my throne
Im tired of sitting afraid and alone
I’ve never been admired before
Will you be my friend
Some human I could adore





Posted from WordPress by
Dawna Bowles (C) 2014

Je t’aime My Son


Remember when we used to sing the songs of long ago?
Adore the artist biography of Michael Angelo?
History of paintings of the wonders of Van Gogh?

Together we created unimagined stories told, as we dreamed our dreams the evidence was one of solid gold.
Fascinating pirate chests were filled with gems and roads where endless possibilities filled the sky with hope.
When poetry created a world that we could touch,
a time in space, a peaceful place, created for just us.

Where nebulous defined the haze of troubled minds and freed the eagle of the nebula inside our broken times.
When telescopic galaxies a map that illuminated our souls, restoring vision to our minds.

providing an incentive to keep climbing till we reached the other side.
Reminiscent of a space and time of endless possibilities.

We always said we would hold on tight to our greatest dreams?

Just look upon that one bright star before division was our debt.

Can you see the illumination that helps us alive?

It’s filled with hope, and faith that heals all of our lost time.

Remember to look up and wish upon the brightest star and know that I too am looking as you are.

On my son, how I wonder how you are…

Just believe and pray till we meet again someday when our pain and sorrows will all be washed away….


Posted from WordPress.org
for Android GalaxyNote 3 – all posts are [by Dawna Bowles (C) 2013)] [Unless posted othewise]

My Levi My Blues


My Levi, my blues…

Where did you hide your heart?

Why are you out there in the cold?

You are so young with talents untold.

Strings resounding memories sing.

My heart saddened no more be told.

Guitars, tattoos, Bob Marley you sung.

But why are you running from your greatness my son…?

Je t’aime my Levi my blues…


Posted from WordPress.org
for Android GalaxyNote 3 – all posts are [by Dawna Bowles (C) 2013)] [Unless posted othewise]

My Son My Sun

Where did you hide my son of life
Your talent is clouded by burdens
Your goodness is great you must
avoid strife
Wake up open your spiritual eyes
The clouds have parted so you can fly
Amidst the clouds the sun has come
Can you see the light
You no longer have to hide nor run
Come home my son
I love you….



A little humor is good for the soul. This story helps me see things a bit more clearly, concerning spirituality.

      There was this man that was a drug addict and he had virtually hit his bottom in life. He was spiritually and emotionally bankrupt, not to mention, dirty, broke, and sick and tired of being sick and tired!
The man had no place to go on this particular Sunday afternoon.  He was in front of a church, leaning up against a tree with his head hung down in shame.
      Jesus walked up and noticed that the man was deeply saddened, and said,
“Why are you out here, and not in the service singing with everyone else?” The man looks up at Jesus with tears in his eyes, and replies,  “Oh they won’t let me in there.”
Jesus replies,  “Oh don’t worry about them, they haven’t let me in there for years.”

Religion is for people that are afraid of going to hell, spirituality is for people that have been there.



I want to write a song but I’m afraid it will hurt too much

I want to write about how I feel, can’t, for it’s all too real

I want to touch the ones I Love, but I’m not certain they would hear

I want to say how much I love you,
but I’m afraid of rejection

I want to speak of peace, but it seems so  faraway

Why did I not wisper my thoughts
When I had a chance to see your smile

Waking up is the hardest part
Destitution my reserve

Fonts in braille, differentiates my  persuaded heart

Can you hear the words i say
Je t’aime




It’s cold here tonight, hope everything turns out alright
I’ve decided not to come
I’ll be okay, just null
You’ll load another gun
How can you breath in space
No atmosphere nor face
Hope everything turns out alright
It’s hard when your a star
As for me
I’m turning out our light…


I don’t want to be here anymore it hurts too much to stay. Years ago I lost my sight on a reapers vengeful night.

The cursing vengeance snached out my heart,  leaving me for dead. comatose, seven years gone by, only life to dread.

I want to go back home.
But it’s so far away, for tyranny has painted it  lies, black, and gray.

Loosing everything I knew. I’m homeless so it seems, four wheels of steel tied tightly to my chest.

I’ll travel where the homeless dwell; a place excepting of my hell. No room for lies in their prison,  just exposure for  the prey.

Unwilling to be in this place, another sleepless face of naught.  I’m going homeless where I belong, no judgment on their tongues.

Tomorrow my journey home.
A beginning of my debts. I don’t want to be here any more, it hurts too much!

[(C) 2014 by Dawna Bowles]

Where am I?

I have looked forever, but I cannot see, can you help me find what’s inside of me? My eyes are open as I look up, I see the stars but there is no light. Can you help me stop the fight. Running madly with all my might! Insisting daylight turns to night, quickly grasp the spectrum s light, snap the picture, and stop the fight, rainbows light protects and shields diminish my night


Love Will Heal


I just don’t know what I should do to help the world to love, Maybe I could be messenger, carry rain drops to the ones thirst for love.
Then gently push the waves upon the oceans shore, so everyone would feel the salty moistures floor,
I could Climb the highest mountain, scream to the world below…love is all we need! we are all from one seed!  you are all my brothers and sisters!
I love you can’t you see!
One world, one people, one love,
United we can heal!
Always remember,
I love you and that’s for real!